The listing block allows you to list content from other parts of your site on your Page using pre defined criteria.
A Listing is updated automatically when new content is added. For example it might be useful for
A news listing, sorted with the last Published being at the top (content type criteria)
Showing the contents of Page or whole subsection of a site (path criteria)
Listing content on a certain subject (Tag criteria)
The information shown in each item comes from the linked content itself. So to change the title, edit the linked items Title. Preview images are editable in the linked items Page settings.
If you need Cards where you have more control of the content of the cards then use a Card Grid
if you want the user to filter or search the listing use a Search Block
You can add many rules to refine the items that will show up e.g. by part of the site, tags, publication date or modification date, owner etc.
Leaving the criteria empty will default to showing the contents of the current page
if you want to show the contents of the current page but sorted then use the path criteria, with a relative path of "." and then you can pick how to sort the list.
You can show a listing as list of list items or as cards. Your listing can viewed as the components below
Depending on which variation you choose, there are "Item settings" to show further information on each item like date, tags, image url etc.
Agencies, statutory bodies and other government entities are required to follow the NSW Government Brand ... There are five categories of branding across NSW Government Masterbrand – the default category for all ... NSW Government brands and communications Co-brand – for brands with a strong connection to the NSW ... NSW DDS v3 Plone 6 has been designed to comply to the NSW Digital Design System, NSW Digital Design Standards
creating-a-digital-design-system-for-nsw-government Creating a Digital Design System for NSW Government ... A lot of exciting things are happening across the NSW Government in the digital space, but there’s currently
Agencies, statutory bodies and other government entities are required to follow the NSW Government Brand ... There are five categories of branding across NSW Government Masterbrand Co-brand Endorsed Independent ... Stand-alone The NSW DDS v3 Plone 6 is fully compliant to the NSW Digital Design System v3 and provides ... Components All NSW DDS components currently supported
Masthead/Header Standard for all masterbrand ... links, social media icons and AOC
Feedback Assist Can be added in one click masterbrand Masterbrand: NSW
Agencies, statutory bodies and other government entities are required to follow the NSW Government Brand ... There are five categories of branding across NSW Government Masterbrand – the default category for all ... NSW Government brands and communications Co-brand – for brands with a strong connection to the NSW Government ... custom logo Endorsed – where brands maintain their prominence but still require a connection to the NSW ... An Agency applies for a brand exemption to allowed to followed the Non Masterbreand Branding in the NSW
A lot of exciting things are happening across the NSW Government in the digital space, but there’s currently no consistent approach for how we design digital services, reusable…
Use tags to help label or categorise content for users using keywords or phrases. They can also be interactive and help users search for and navigate to content quickly and easily.