
Digital NSW Plone Starter Kit Demo

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A NSW Government website

Plone 6 Basics


Plone 6 has very simple yet powerful editor called Volto. A page is composed of "Blocks" which often correspond to NSW Design System Components.

You can add a block by clicking on the block above it and then clicking on the "plus" button and choosing which block you want to insert

Hitting "Enter" will also insert a block below the current one. "/" is a shortcut to pick which block type you want

Blocks can be dragged and dropped using the drag marker on the left, deleted using the "Trash Can" icon and also copy and pasted between pages

Block Settings

  • Most Blocks let you edit them directly and many also have additional settings on the right sidebar, under the "Block" tab.
  • Text blocks have an additional formatting toolbar that appears if you select a word, allowing you to format text, create headers, links of bullets.
  • Not all blocks have settings, for example the Title and Text blocks have no settings
  • The right side bar can be hidden if needed by clicking on the middle of its seperator (as can the left toolbar)

Select text to apply formatting


You can create page sections using the sections block setting (NSW DS only)


  • Once you have saved a page you will need to publish it as new Pages are Private by default
  • Pages you create will automatically appear in the top level navigation.
    • Use "Exclude from navigation" in the Page settings if this isn't desired.
  • You can create a subpage of a page by clicking "Add > Page". Pages are both a folder and a Page in Plone 6.
  • You can restrict content to certain logged in users by keeping the Page state "Private" and using the Sharing tool to add users or groups permissions

Managing Content

The contents tool allows for bulk renaming, moving, reordering, duplicating and uploading of content. It allows


  • Delete an item by going to it's parent and using the contents tool to select and delete.
  • There isn't an easy way to recover a deleted item so do this carefully
  • You can redirect external links to deleted content to a new place by using "URL Management" on the new page
  • If use cut and paste to move content, or using rename, url management redirections are done automatically
  • You can change the url for an exiting item by using "rename"
  • If you upload images to a page before its first saved it they will appear in the parent. You can safely move these into the page where they are used without a problem due to Plone's automatic linking.
  • Full history of pages is available via the "History" action which also allows you to roll back to a preview version. You Administator can also undo transactions in Control Panel > Undo.

Managing Users and Permissions

You can add new users in the control panel

When adding a new user it's recommended you add them to a group and then give the group permissions globally (called roles)

The permissions (roles) are

  • Administrator - Complete access
  • Site Administrator - Can manage users
  • Reviewer (Can Review) - Can publish content submitted for review
  • Editor (Can Edit) - Can edit/remove other published content
  • Contributor (Can Add) - Can create new content but can only edit content they create
  • Reader (Can View) - Gives access to private content

If you don't want to give permissions globally there are fine grained permissions for groups or users on a page, or section level, using the "sharing" action.

Futher reading

Documentation on all the NSW Design system components that have been implemented in Plone 6

A powerful feature of Plone is create autmatically updating listings of content from other parts of your site

Cards, linked lists and other groupings of related content that you can fully configure

Simple form builder to email or save collected answers

The plone communities official user documentation

Plone 6 you can login into and try (without the NSW Design system)